Monday, January 17, 2011

2011 ~ Thoughts on Design

A new year always inspires me to open my eyes to all that is around
me for inspiration. I never leave home without my digital camera so
I can catch just that moment that takes my breath away. My list is
long: rain-soaked grass, the outline of bare branches, mud puddles,
streets filled with leaves, new buds coming out, rocks, the beach,
sunsets, sunrises, the rain, clouds (this winter has produced the most
amazing clouds!), the glorious shades of green everywhere outside,
the movement of the water outside my window, tree bark, peeling
paint, that perfect bloom on my magnolia tree, rusted metal, birdbaths,
moss, faded textiles, clearly I could go on and on!

Even a trip to the grocery store gets me thinking about color and
textural combinations. Think leeks and articokes on a big platter with
radishes and eggplant. Fabulous texturally and oh the colors! Next
time you are stumped for ideas on what color(s) to use in a room, look
no further than your favorite Farmers Market or produce aisle at the
Supermarket. Mother Nature has done all the work for you! Choose
what speaks to you and try it in your space. Granted, not all your
inspirations will work in every situation, depending on the light in the
area you are using and how it changes throughout the day. But it will
get you started and assist you in thinking about colors in a new way.

Here are some things that I am loving, right now!

• Coral and navy
• Yellow orchids
• Framed maps
• Bordered seagrass rugs
• Art hung on paneled doors
• Black, cream and red ~ mixed with LOTS of texture
• Ebonized furniture
• Blue and white exportware
• Articokes and watermelons as table art
• Repurpose old sterling silver vases as desk organizers
• Zinc urns and columns
• Forced branches
• Don't reupholster ~ drape a beautiful throw or quilt over
• Wicker baskets repurposed as lamp shades (trust me)
• Found pots, jars under console tables
• Antlers, horns and shells!
• Painted boxes
• Vases filled with leaves
• Pussy Willows

Gotta run and get busy planning my next THRILL OF THE HUNT.
Check back often for details and dates for a Late Spring event.

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