Thursday, July 30, 2009

Definitely The Best Day Yet

I'm feeling very verklempt (sp?) as I start this journal entry.  It's 
almost  6 p.m. on my last day in Paris.  I'm meeting the 
Silverman-Wilson clan and Maddie shortly for a farewell dinner 
near their apartment in the 17e.  Today had to be my favorite 
(might mention that every day has been)!

I went to two areas I had not been to, on the opposite ends of 
the City.  Since time was of the essence, I did take the Metro to 
the St Germain-Latin Quarter area.  Still don't like it.  The buses 
do it for me, since I get to ride AND see the beautiful sights.  Must 
be a kick-back from the thousands of endless miles I rode in the car 
as a child on our family vacations.  Car rides are still my favorite 
way to travel.  

Each area was completely different from the other and the 7e 
where I'm staying.  I think I love the Saint Germain/Serves'-Babylone 
area the best.  May be that it is much less touristy, more like its own 
little city.  The stores I wanted to go to were worth the trip.  I'm 
bringing home wonderful treasures and many are so unique.  

Today was all about going with the flow.  After accomplishing the 
last few things on my list of 'to dos', I just let my feet take me where 
it looked interesting (6 miles worth).  They did not fail me!  I had a 
ball shopping for both my girls, me (yes, I did get Richard something) 
and "Thrill".  Along the way I saw more fabulous entry doors, sweet 
neighborhood parks and charming streets, all unique and welcoming.

I did make a stop into Monoprix ~ France's TARGET.  It wasn't 
'all that'. I didn't spend more than 30 minutes looking around.  
Anyone who really knows me can tell you I have NEVER gotten 
in and out of a TARGET in less than an hour.  I love that place.  
Anyway, Le Bon Marche' is another story.  Magnificent!  Such a 
beautiful, serene place you hardly remember you are in a huge 
department store.  Seems more like a gallery.  Funny too since 
the prices are comparable to our Bloomingdale's/Nordstrom's.
But what an experience to wander around.  Obviously the French 
know how to shop.

After that I just walked and walked, stopping in where it looked 
appealing.  I've been most impressed with what Parisian shop-
keepers can do with limited space.  I think my cozy Guest House
is small when cramming in all my goodies for each "Thrill" ~ but 
it is gigantic by Paris standards.  I will have a fresh eye when 
staging for September's event and be more grateful!

I'm back from dinner. A delicious meal, great friends and special 
time with Maddie and her Southampton girlfriends.  They will be 
staying on in Paris until mid-August.  Jealous!   What a gift this trip 
has been for Maddie. Her adventure here has been completely 
different from mine, with days spent at museums and monuments, 
visiting Versailles and living in a 4-bedroom apartment.  Of course, 
she's my kid, so shopping was involved too.

Driving back to the apartment tonight in the taxi (love that they are 
green cars) I had those last few glimpses of the City.  It is especially 
lovely at night with all the lights and people everywhere.  I have loved 
this time abroad ~ more than any I can remember before.  I realized it 
is good to get out of your comfort zone, regularly, and do something 
unexpected.  Just because.  I also realized that Richard is extremely 
capable of handling things at home without me (even if it wasn't done
"right"!!!).  A good thing for both of us.   All in all, a perfect trip.

I just finished packing (sob) and ready to jump into bed.  Wondering 
if I will be able to sleep back in Alameda without the clip clop of the 
horses at night carrying tourists back and forth.  

Feeling very grateful for this time, its lessons, friendships and 
memories made.  I found a little bit of me that had been tucked away 
and I like that I'm back!

Biding you all adieu and bon nuit!  


P.S.  Checkout the last photos from the Wednesday and Thursday.
Finally got them uploaded.

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